Did you know that only 8% of people who set New Year's intentions actually follow through with them?! AND the percentage of people who remain committed after only 30 days already drops to 25%! That means that by February, most people give up and fall back into old patterns and behaviors!
But we can change that!
This does not have you to your reality.
We are all capable of making changes and sticking with them.
We just need the right environment and support.
So, what can you do exactly?
You can create intentional and manageable goals rather than vague intentions, and I can give you tips, tools, and resources to actually take the necessary steps! Change does not have to be grandiose to be powerful and life-changing. It starts with small daily acts and habits.
Having an accountability partner or group increases your odds of completing a goal by over 50%! According to the American Society of Training and Development Accountability Study, by simply being held accountable to someone, your odds of completing a goal jumps to 65%, and if you actually meet with or check-in with that person or group on a regular basis, your likelihood of follow-through increases to 95%!!
So, how do you start?
1. First, think S.M.A.R.T.
Think through what you want to achieve this year and make a plan that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and within a specific timeframe.
For example, I want to lose 3 pounds within 30 days, and I will achieve this by refraining from fast food for the next 30 days. I will know that I am successful when on (enter date), I have lost 3 pounds and have followed through with my eating goal.
"I want to ___(insert goal)___ by/within ___(insert date or timeline)__ and I will achieve this through __(insert what you will actually do)__. I will know I am successful because __(insert what result would show progress, how you want to feel, or what you want to have completed)__."
2. Second, find a person or person(s) who can help hold you accountable and cheer you on.
This can be a family member, a friend, or even joining a new group of like-minded people! Pick someone who lifts you up and encourages you! Don't pick someone that makes you feel insecure or fearful. This should be life-giving and affirming!
Set weekly or monthly meetings with them to check-in! And maybe offer to help hold them accountable too! We are stronger together.
You will feel less alone and more encouraged in your dreams! And, if you use the S.M.A.R.T goal method, you will easily be able to track your progress, successes, and struggles!
And it is OKAY to struggle!
Be gracious with yourself.
This is NOT about perfection; this is about showing up to yourself and leaning into your goals, dreams, and aspirations.
Changing habits and behaviors is not easy, but YOU. CAN. DO. IT.
Here is to a year in which you set and REACH your goals.
Remember, think S.M.A.R.T and reach out to people for support!
Make 2021 your year.
You got this.