Lent is upon us - the 40 days before Easter; a time to reflect and prepare for the resurrection of Jesus (if you are Christian that is).
Today is ash Wednesday, and many people will take time out of their day to get ashes spread across their forehead as a reminder of their humanity and finitude.
"Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
for many people lent is a season that includes giving something up or taking something on to grow closer to god. While it is a season focused on centering around the suffering of Christ and experiencing our own personal wildernesses, i worry that it becomes a time of self-deprivation and frustration for many people. It is important to slow down, analyze our life, take time to sit with ourselves, and listen for god in our every day lives, but it is also important to be self loving and gentle with ourselves along the way. God loves us, not because of what we do or do not do but simply because we are.
I believe God wants us to enjoy life. God does not want us to deprive ourselves of something simply because it is the current thing to do and/or lent popped up on our calendar. God created us to enjoy this world and all of its glory! Lent is a reminder to step out of our routines and expectations and create space for ourselves to be fully present and alive.
What feels good and honoring for you in this season?
How is god moving in and through your life right now?
What brings you joy?
What part of your routine or schedule are you frustrated with? Can you give that up and do something that brings you life instead?
Instead of giving up something like sugar or sodas, really lean into what makes you feel connected, whole, and healthy. Maybe that includes wanting to stop consuming as much sugar or sodas, but don't measure your "success" of the lent season on whether or not you accomplish this goal. Lent should be rooted in sitting with exactly where we are and what you need in this moment. We all have wildernesses inside of us. explore your wilderness in a way that feels good to you. Wildernesses do not have to be scary places. They can also be liberating and freeing, full of healing and wholeness.
Maybe instead of giving something up this lent you could...
dance more
let yourself cry
Unplug for a day
sleep in when you need rest
sing louder
spend time with family and friends
read for pleasure
wake up earlier to enjoy the sunrises
get out in nature and walk in the glory of all of creation
so often, it feels like lent gets simplified and commodified into a task on our to do list that we must complete. this is dangerous, because it can lead to shame and anger when we do not complete the said task.
shame pulls us further away from god; we hide like Adam and eve in the garden, ashamed and afraid, not feeling worthy of god's love. Lent should not be a time of shame but a time of deep joy and restoration.
God loves you no matter what. Lent is not about proving that you can give something up for 40 days. it is a time to lean in, trust god, and honor yourself exactly where you are.
Let us walk into our wildernesses with joy and thanksgiving.