So, lately I have been thinking a lot more about what I consume on a daily basis. This is the first time in my adult life that I have actually had control over what foods I am putting into my body. Previously, food was always provided as a student or an employee in seasonal jobs, and options were limited. It was easier not to think about it and simply eat “good enough.” Now, I am in control. It feels great! I really enjoy cooking and trying new foods and recipes. Growing up, my mom was not a big cook but my dad instilled a love of cooking in me. It is an art, and finding the perfect flavor mix is so satisfying!
Anyway, there is so much information on the web about diets, what are the right and wrong things to eat, and what steps to take to be a healthier eater. There is way too much pressure to deny our bodies or be overly consumed with counting calories. It can be difficult to navigate what is actually healthy and what is not. Lately, after hearing about it from different sources, I considered starting the Whole 30 diet, but after doing some research, I realized it is way too restrictive and also unnecessary/arguably unhealthy. After talking to mom, she pointed to a new diet called the “Mind Diet” that is focused on preventing Alzheimer’s disease. The reason this particular plan appeals to me is because it is so clear and concise and points to the foods that you should eat, rather than focusing on the foods you should not. Moreover, we focus so much on our body image and weight rather than focusing on a holistic image of ourselves. Our minds and our bodies form an entire unit; we must take care of both together, not as two separate entities. This list of foods is encouraging rather than discouraging, and gives me the ability to choose how I want to best meet each criterion. I already made a grocery list and meal plan! Anyway, I realize I am just adding another voice to the mess of health opinions online, but thought it was an important topic to touch on. I am excited! If anyone has any advice, great recipes ideas, or questions, I would love to hear! Food is important, and we should not limit ourselves, but be aware of what we are putting into our bodies and focus on eating a holistic diet that is both nourishing to our body but is also healthy for our minds and mental well-being.
Here is the list of criterion for “The Mind Diet” and the link is below:
You should eat from these ten food groups:
Green leafy vegetables (spinach, salad greens, kale, etc): At least six servings a week
Other vegetables: At least one a day
Nuts: Five servings a week
Berries: Two or more servings a week
Beans: At least three servings a week
Whole Grains: Three or more servings a day
Fish: Once a week
Poultry (like chicken or turkey): Two times a week
Olive oil: Use it as your main cooking oil.
Wine: One glass a day
You should avoid:
Red meat: Less than four servings a week
Butter and margarine: Less than a tablespoon daily
Cheese: Less than one serving a week
Pastries and sweets: Less than five servings a week
Fried or fast food: Less than one serving a week
The “Mind Diet”:
Also, if you have any questions regarding what a serving size looks like here are two sources that help map it out: