Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope that everyone reading this is safe and sane this weird holiday season.
Here are five things that I am beyond grateful for this year:
My family for loving and supporting me as I explore and navigate finding my own lifestyle
My animals for their endless entertainment, snuggles, purs, and warm greetings
My boyfriend for encouraging me to show up more fully as myself and making each day more fun, reminding me not to take things too seriously
My space in which I can create, rest and restore myself
My job for providing me security in a time that is so insecure and unstable
What fills you with gratitude these days? What fills up your cup (or bowl)?
Comment, and let me know what you've been most thankful for in 2020!
I also wanted to post today because I have some exciting news!
I am launching a new program starting in January called Restoring You where I will walk alongside a cohort of people over six weeks to dig in and look at our values, time management, organization, social media usage, and overall quality of life! I will be doing the work right alongside you and offering tips and tricks along the way! If you choose, I will also come over and help organize a space of your choosing in your home or apartment!
This program aims to help you restore your life to what you want it to be.
I know how easy it is to get swept up and overwhelmed by everyday life demands and pressures. We live in a society that puts a lot of pressure on each of us to reach certain goals and milestones at specific times and to fit into certain norms and values that may not work for everyone. Further, with social media, we are expected to look good all of the time, competing against unrealistic metrics; we get caught up in the number of likes or praises we get in a single day. It is exhausting!
Over the six week program, we will work through all the aspects of our lives and unravel what is working and what isn't. We will look at our values and personalities and discuss where we feel most authentic and areas where we may need to change or grow. By the end of the six weeks, we will each have specific and measurable goals, a better sense of our own needs and patterns, new tools for managing time, space, and energy, and a group of people supporting us on our journey!
Walking through the program together, I hope to show you that you are not alone in your struggle and that we all have to work to create the life we want. We are each beautiful and unique beings, and our lives should reflect that. No more being bogged down by other people's expectations or standards. We have the right and the privilege to create our realities. Restoring You will help get you there!
The program will come with a guided workbook and a weekly zoom session to dive into the topics together! I have not yet set firm dates for the meetings because I want to gauge interest first and find what works best, but I know that it will start the first week in January and be from 7-8 PM on the night of our group's choosing.
By completing the program, you will have a more profound sense of calm, control, and peace in your life! You will feel supported and validated in who you are. You will have tools and resources to continue on your journey, maintaining what we learned, and find a life that you are proud to call your own.
I will have three rounds of signups, and the first one starts today!
The first 6 people to sign up with me by December 5th will get the program for $150! This includes all the sessions, the workbook, and an hour of one on one time with me to help organize a space of your choosing! I won't take payment until the class begins!
And don't worry; there is still time to sign up later too. Be on the lookout for those future dates! I will take signups until the New Year. New Year's resolutions, anyone? Let's make 2021 something special!