I've been thinking a lot lately about how to make the life that I want for myself. Well, let's just say it does not happen overnight... and I am not a very patient person. I want things to happen in an instant and am constantly seeking immediate answers and a sense of control. This is something I will talk about more in other posts, because it is not a healthy way to live and there is so much in our lives that we cannot control; learning to let go is essential.
Returning to the question at hand, trying to build a life I love and am proud of, it is complicated. I have begun listening to more podcasts, reading more books, and reaching out to more people in hopes of finding inspiration and guidance. (Shout out to "The One You Feed" podcast for loads of great content and the "The On Being Project" for sparking creativity and dialogue) Check out both! (http://www.oneyoufeed.net/) (https://onbeing.org/the-on-being-project/).
Anyway, one of the key ideas around what it means to be successful or create the world you imagine is having routine; specifically a morning routine. Many people get up an exercise, meditate, read, or journal to center themselves for the day to come. Ultimately, I would like to incorporate these into my morning... baby steps though...
Currently, I roll out of bed at 7:15-7:20 A.M. , scurry around getting ready, and roll into work right at 8 A.M. For the past two months I have been telling myself "tomorrow will be the day. Tomorrow will be the day that I wake up at 6 A.M." So far this plan has not worked... shocker.
If anyone has any advice for how they start their day, please advise!
I thought that writing this out, even if no one reads it, would at least make it something tangible that I can work toward. So, here is my plan for this next week:
I will wake up at 6:45 and write down 3 goals for the day and 3 things I am thankful for.
A week from today I will evaluate my success and progress and map out a plan for the following week. I need to start somewhere! This is my somewhere. Wish me luck, and if anyone has any other ideas or thoughts, let me know!
(Shout out to my friend Kyle for being on the phone as I walk through this. His advice: worship a Kyle Shrine each morning. I know one thing that will be on my thankful list tomorrow).